Hormone Healing Gummies

Hormone Healing Gummies

I grew up in Minnesota - the capital of hot-dishes, dessert bars and jello. I don't think I can remember a single birthday party, holiday, school event or other celebration that didn't feature one of the above items (if not all of them together). I've spent many hours re-creating recipes of my childhood with real food ingredients - they not only taste better but also offer many health benefits, such as these gummies (aka: "jello-jigglers).

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My Favorite "SuperFood"

My Favorite "SuperFood"

I'm not really a fan of the "superfood" revolution, as I believe variety is a key to health and that no single food-source has the ability to nourish us on its own – but gelatin might just be a close contender. My family and I turn to this nutrient daily, and I recommend it to most of my clients as part of their health routine. Learn the unique benefits of this nutrient dense food, how to source it and easily incorporate it into any daily regimen - adults and kids alike!

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Ten Ways to Eat Your Probiotics (Part 4 of 4)

Ten Ways to Eat Your Probiotics (Part 4 of 4)

In this post, you'll learn 10 easy ways you can increase your probiotic flora through food - a simple and affordable solution to long term digestive health. I’ll also throw in a few suggestions for intestinal lining help, too. Enjoy!

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Rebuilding the Gut (Part 3 of 4)

Rebuilding the Gut (Part 3 of 4)

It might seem far-fetched to fathom that so many modern ailments can be linked with some level of gut dysbiosis: flora imbalance, food intolerance or other digestive distress resulting in inflammation and poor nutrient absorption. But, it's true. Chinese Medicine has known for centuries how important the role of the digestive system is based on proper functioning of the Spleen and Stomach - an energetic system linked to pretty much every pathology (and physiology) imaginable within the scope of TCM. Science is even starting to prove it.  So how does it all get out of balance in the first place?

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Our Inheritance: Generations of Gut Flora (Part 2 of 4)

Our Inheritance: Generations of Gut Flora (Part 2 of 4)

Just like all other living things, beneficial bacteria need to be inoculated, fed and cultivated. We can inoculate (or, start) and proliferate our own digestive flora through eating probiotic rich (alive) foods and taking supplements, but our initial foundation for probiotic growth was at birth, and has been passed down for generations. Yes, generations. Your great-grandmother’s gut flora played a role in the formation of yours. We'll explore this fascinating process in Part 2 of my Gut Health Series and learn how to lay a healthy foundation for future generations to come.

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