Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine with Erin Borbet MS, L.Ac
Erin is licensed to practice Acupuncture in the following states: Idaho, Wyoming and New York. She is nationally board certified to practice Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine by the NCCAOM. You can work with Erin in the following ways:
Clinical Practice: Victor, Idaho
Erin sees clients on Monday's, Tuesdays Wednesdays at: 108 W Center Street #3.
Adult Sessions: Initial Consultation: $160 | Follow Up Session: $120
Pediatric Sessions: Initial Consultation: $100 | Follow Up Session: $70
Distance Healing Sessions
Work with Erin from the comfort of your home or office via her customized Distance Healing Sessions. Great for clients who live outside the Jackson Hole / Teton Valley area or who prefer not to use precious time commuting to appointments.
House Calls
Available in Jackson Hole, WY and Teton Valley, ID. Please email Erin for current rates and availability.
What To Expect
At your Initial Session, I'll conduct a detailed holistic health history to help determine the best way to support you. From there we will discuss a treatment strategy - including herbal, supplement and nutritional support - as well as how many sessions are necessary to achieve your goals. Follow-up sessions will include a 10-15 minute health intake to review any changes in your health or questions you might have.
After your consultation is complete, you'll receive an acupuncture treatment for 25-35 minutes. Your treatment will take place in a private room, with you laying down on a treatment table (either face-up or face-down, depending on the nature of your care). Acupuncture needles will be gently placed in various spots around the body, and appropriate draping towels are available for your discretion. I'll be communicating with you for the duration of the insertion, adjusting any discomfort and explaining the meaning behind certain sensations.
Once you are comfortable, I'll leave the room for 20-30 minutes and let you rest. Typically, I'll check on you once during that time to make sure you are still comfortable. After the session, all points will be swiftly removed and you can get ready to leave.
Before you leave it is wise to have your follow-up session scheduled. I am available by email in between sessions, should questions or concerns arise at any time.