Optimizing Fertility at Any Age

There are many good reasons women decide to delay having children until their mid-to-late thirties, one of which is usually not enhanced fertile health. Women today are inundated with reasons as to why it will be more difficult – if not impossible – to conceive after the age of thirty-five. And, yet, we know from the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine (and other traditional healing systems) that a woman’s fertility is not simply a spiral downward, diminishing with each passing month from menarche to menopause, but that she has the capacity to actually increase her fertile health as she ages.

What to know how?  Hop on over to Dr. Carly Snyder's blog, where I illustrate the five steps for optimizing fertility if you want to get pregnant right now or to lay a healthy foundation for pregnancy later in life.

Read the full article here.

Three Reasons to Love Lavender for Breast Health

Three Reasons to Love Lavender for Breast Health

Every October the world turns its focus to breast cancer treatment and prevention, which has done amazing things for women's health - especially in bringing awareness to an often overlooked, but important, part of female anatomy. In the spirit of preventative health and self-care, I've put together a post on simple techniques that any woman can do at home to maintain healthy circulation and detoxification in breast tissue. 

A favorite herb that has specific affinity for breast tissue is Lavender, which is easy to source and is most commonly used as an essential oil or in its dried flower form (pictured above). It smells heavenly and has minimal contraindications or side effects in adult women. Lavender can be used topically through the skin, directly access the nervous system through our sense of smell and internally circulate via the Liver Meridian - learn my three favorite ways to use lavender for therapeutic benefit below.

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The BEST Buckwheat Pancakes

The BEST Buckwheat Pancakes

These gluten-free, grain-free, sprouted and slightly soured pancakes are made using whole buckwheat groats...and they really are the best! We always have a bunch in our freezer so we can enjoy pancakes on those days we don't have time to cook them. They are easy, nutritious and delicious - my little girls eat them up just about as fast as my husband and I do. Enjoy!

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Erin Interviewed on MD For Moms

In my July 2016 Interview with Dr. Carly Snyder, I discuss the importance of Gut Health - and not just for women struggling with digestive symptoms. Our entire system, including hormone balance and mood regulation, relies on good digestion for nutrient absorption and assimilation. In my interview, I'll discuss:

  • Why Gut Health is the foundation of systemic health
  • How Chinese Medicine has known this for thousands of years
  • Six easy ways to improve your digestive balance today

I hope you'll check it out and pass it on!

In health,
