Natural Relief for Seasonal Allergies

Natural Relief for Seasonal Allergies

There is nothing quite as annoying as allergy season - believe me, I know. In my teens and early 20's I suffered from debilitating allergy symptoms that plagued me all year long. When I met my husband, he was suffering as well, and when I went into clinical practice I was shocked at the number of people who are also afflicted by seasonal (or perpetual) allergies.

It's almost ubiquitous with being human, and this shouldn't be the case. We are natural beings living in a natural world, and we should  be able to do so without discomfort. After many years of trying all sorts of natural remedies, I finally found a way to understand (and heal) this condition from the root.

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Flower Lounge PodCast Interview: Getting to the Root

Katie Hess of Lotuswei has started a podcast called the Flower Lounge. If you don't know her work - she is a flower alchemist, visionary, adventurer and truly bright light in this world.  In this fresh new series, she weaves beautiful storytelling with practical tips to up the vibrancy of your life.

And she chose ME as one of her guests! I am beyond grateful. In our episode, we talk about the overarching emotional themes behind physical symptoms, covering topics like:

  • Why it’s important to create a business style that’s all your own
  • How to navigate through life’s difficult transitions
  • Identifying an imbalance in your life + tapping into your own self-healing powers
  • Some of my favorite herbs
  • The Five Element Theory + your Constitutional Factors
  • Protecting your ‘Shen’ + soothing internal disruptions
  • The evolving concept of ‘time’, and how to make time a friend, instead of an enemy

Click below to listen to our chat about "Getting to the Root" and subscribe for new episodes from other healers coming weekly. Enjoy!

Surrender Into Metal

Surrender Into Metal

Moving from the momentum of summer, through the grounding of Earth, we arrive at one of my favorite seasons - Autumn - ruled by the Metal element. A time of year great for letting go of waste in your life (physical and meta-physical) and cleaning up the temple of your body.

But, what does it actually mean to "let go"? And how do we know if we are doing it? These are questions attuned with the precision of Metal, offering up the perfect opportunity to practice mastering the opposing forces of action and surrender.

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Be Free From Hormonal Symptoms and Tune-In to Your Inner Compass (Recording Inside)

Two years ago I closed the doors to my clinical practice in New York, NY and transitioned to remote consulting. In doing so, I've been able to hone in on the specific tools to help women transform symptoms, break-free from limiting beliefs and step-in to a life of purpose.

It's been amazing.

When women begin the journey of transforming hormonal symptoms, their whole world opens up. And vice-versa. When a women is in alignment with her truth and deeply lit-up by her life, her hormones (and health) fall into balance. This seemingly effortless effect is not random, and when harnessed, women have the ability to unlock limitless wisdom and potential in any moment - because of their hormones.

I've learned these truths from my work with women, my studies and my own healing journey. Over the years I've identified key patterns within women's health so that any woman can vividly step into a life on purpose and free from symptoms.

Learn how in my first-ever Tele-Class Recording below.


Click the button above to be alerted of upcoming tele-classes.

Warm Winter Smoothie Recipe

Warm Winter Smoothie Recipe

Some might call this "soup" - but I like to call it my nourishing, warm winter smoothie! In my last post, we uncovered some of the hazards of regular (frozen) smoothie consumption, and how to consciously create smoothies in service of your health and hormonal goals.

This recipe is a great substitution for a raw smoothie, especially during the cold winter months. It's a pureed blend of a variety of greens and vegetables, nourishing protein, tastes great and when prepared ahead of time can provide a quick reheated meal throughout the week.

Sounds kinda like a smoothie to me, no?

But instead of taxing your system, it will bolster the digestive energy, enhance nutrient absorption, offers up cellular renewal to the tissues of the body and combats free-radical damage...full recipe below.

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